Here are the things that have and haven’t changed for “pulp.” now that it’s gotten a new look


Oprah Winfrey after her first round of weight-loss,

Kylie Jenner when she got her lip fillers,

Obama after he was no longer president and relaxed with Michelle on a super yacht.

With every kind of ‘glow up’ we’ve seen documented in history, comes so much more than just a physical change. It’s always encompasses a clichéd, ‘Eat Pray Love’ kind of spiritual journey.

Only instead of circling the globe like Julia Roberts did, we sat in a dark room for hours on end staring at a screen and Googling how to use a CMS.

Anyway, now that pulp. has a new face and editorial ethos our three fans are seriously shook.

So here’s a brief rundown of what’s changed, and what is still the same.

Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY


New domain name

To anyone so bothered by the fact that pulp. is funded by the USU, congratulations, you have another thing to complain about. The new pulp. URL is It was free for the first year of our subscription to our CMS, and ties in our corporate sponsorship seamlessly without having to throw the branding everywhere on the page. For reference though, the decision behind the URL was merely one of convenience – we couldn’t get any variation of because we’re pretty sure most of them are porn sites. FOMO.

 Added verticals

Apparently 55,000 people on campus have very diverse interests – who knew our ‘vapid’ millennial generation could boast such depth! To cater, we now have twelve verticals. Compared to the original site’s five, we hope this will appeal to a greater portion of readers, writers and producers.

Bigger focus on graphic design

Aesthetic is everything, let’s be real. So we ditched the inconsistent .jpg thumbnail parameters and low resolution images of the previous site in order to create more visually interesting fronts for articles. This will (hopefully) entice people to read them a lot more. Plus that eyesore pink and yellow had to go, it was reminiscent of every tween-age girl’s white Raben and black Supré tights phase.

Also to next year’s coming eds: fun news! We’re pulling a pantone and changing the signature pulp. colour every new year.

Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY


More visual content

In that same length, the greater focus on visual aesthetic means a greater focus on the opportunity for visual journalism. Our new CMS affords the opportunity for photo stories, visual art galleries and short to long form video content. Calling all Kahlo’s/Kubrick’s, now is your chance.

Clickbait clique

Hopefully more people start turning up to pulp pitch meetings now that we look cool. We’re finally hot enough to be Regina George right? We’ll keep working with our Karen’s and our Gretchen Weiner’s, plus now we can invite all the Cady Heron’s to the table to work with us. On Wednesdays we wear pink!

(Just come to the meetings)

Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY


The shit talk on our Facebook page

Nothing warms my cold heart more than people firing up on a student media social platform.

We’re still not trying to be Honi Soit

Plain and simple. All our love and respect goes out to our apparent “rival” in student media. We’re very different publications with very different styles and histories. Though we hope to band together one day to take down the real media enemy that is Pauline Hanson’s regular appearances on breakfast television.

Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY

The fact that we’re new and not prestigious at all

Three years young and we’re still growing into our looks. We’ve got the acne scars of our previous aesthetic still present and the stretch marks of our more farcical stories on our ass. If you’re growing and learning how to get your shit together too, then join us.


We’re still out loud and proud about being sponsored by the USU baby. Sue me.


Source: GIPHY

Source: GIPHY



Pulp Editors