Group fitness for the chronically online

Instead of writhing around online at home, you just may be the epitome of health and wellness.


Has this ever been you? It’s midnight on a Saturday. If everywhere hasn’t closed yet, you’re surely not getting in. At this point, you’ll be lucky if you can find a kebab, and don’t get me started with public transport. Things are looking grim, your feet hurt and ears are ringing. You ask yourself, “If God is really dead, then what’s the point? Why didn’t I just move to Melbourne?”

Then, it hits you, and hope is not lost. You have a group fitness class at 8am. Instead of writhing around online at home, you just may be the epitome of health and wellness. 

But in a market where there’s a new gym on every corner, how do you choose? Which one will match your current aesthetic?

Follow this map to find out…